Saturday, May 30, 2009

Swastika kids' health at risk, social worker testifies (Canada)


[It appears that the parents of the "Swastika kids" are now separated, and each one wants sole custody.]

Swastika kids' health at risk, social worker testifies

A social worker testified Thursday that there were health concerns for two young children beyond the white supremacist teachings they were allegedly being given by their parents. The social worker said that the younger child would be kept in a dirty diaper all day long and that his father would ignore the children to watch television or talk to friends over the Internet. 

The social worker also testified that the parents, who are now separated, showed up at their child's school smelling of alcohol, according to school officials.

Both parents have asked for sole custody of the children. The girl's biological father says he doesn't want the stepfather to have custody of either child.

The Winnipeg case has come to national attention after it was heard that one of the children, a girl, once arrived at school with a swastika written on her body.

The girl and her younger brother were taken from the family by provincial child services officials last year after the schooling incident.

Social workers have testified that the parents taught the girl to hate black people and other minorities.

The lawyer for the father of the young boy has argued that his client's racist beliefs are not a child custody issue. The mother has argued the same thing.

Under Manitoba law, neither the witnesses nor the family can be identified.

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Wednesday, May 27, 2009




FYI-  Please feel free to circulate this media advisory to any and all reporters and/or blogs that you see fit!  Joyce Murphy from La Jolla (whose ex was just sentenced to 6 years in prison and 5 yrs probation for sex crimes against three girls besides his daughter, so NOW she has her daughter back) will be testifying, along with a few other litigants. 

Joyce's  local TV station- Channel 10- whose story about her case was posted here recently- has said that they will come to cover her testimony!!!

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Hayes-Bautista, Catalina" <>

Date: May 27, 2009 11:30:55 AM PDT

To: "Hayes-Bautista, Catalina" <>


Assemblywoman Fiona Ma

12th Assembly District

For Immediate Release: May 27, 2009

Contact: Catalina Hayes-Bautista

Phone: (916) 319-2012

Cell: (510) 499-9637 

Media Advisory


Assemblywoman Ma Holds Select Committee on Domestic Violence hearing to look at whether the interest of the child is taken into account

WHEN:         Thursday, May 28th at 1:30 pm

WHERE:       California State Capitol, Sacramento – Room 126

WHO:            Assemblywoman Fiona Ma, Chair

                        Members of the Select Committee on Domestic Violence

WHAT:         Assemblywoman Fiona Ma (D-San Francisco), Chair of the Select Committee on Domestic Violence will convene an informational hearing into allegations that family courts are placing children with batterers.  The Committee will hear from victims, experts, judges and advocates on a child’s best interest in the family court system. The hearing seeks to shed light on stories shared with Assemblywoman Fiona Ma by mothers who are victims of domestic violence and have been in the court system for years, fighting for their children’s best interest.



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Saturday, May 16, 2009

Kansas ‘Mothers Day’ File Federal Suits, May 11, 2009

“Exactly two years two the very day “Mothers day”- of the   filing of the Petition at the Inter American Commission Human Rights- Human Rights Violations for the practice and policy of courts routinely placing Battered Mothers children with the abusers. (still pending) however the Jessica Gonzales Case set the precedent (simulcast in 15 languages October 2008) for the upcoming Human Rights Petition” viewed in its entirety on the Stop Family Violence Dombrowski et al v US 2007

May 11, 2009

Dombrowski v. Richardson et al
Other Civil Rights
Diversity-Personal Injury

Plaintiff: Claudine Dombrowski Defendant: Hal Richardson, Shawnee County District Court


Gerow v. Gerow
Other Civil Rights
Fed. Question

Plaintiff: Melody L. Gerow Defendant: George D. Gerow

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Thursday, May 14, 2009

Tragic Santa Clara County custody case:Dad suspected in girl's death

Tragic Santa Clara County custody case: Dad suspected in girl's death

By Karen de Sá

Mercury News

Posted: 05/13/2009 06:31:55 PM PDT

Updated: 05/13/2009 10:20:15 PM PDT

Powerless and tormented, a Campbell mother awaits the story her daughter's bones will tell.

The remains of Alycia Augusta Mesiti-Allen, 14 when she vanished in August 2006, are now in the hands of toxicologists and coroners. Since March, when cadaver-sniffing dogs found her body buried in the unkempt yard of her father's former Central Valley home, detectives have scoured for evidence from the girl's petite frame.

Those detectives say the clues point to her father, Mark Edward Mesiti, as a suspect in her death and say an arrest is imminent. With a lengthy criminal past, the 41-year-old was still granted custody of Alycia and her older brother in Santa Clara County Superior Court less than a year before the girl went missing.

The death of the smiling teen, who loved horses and Shakira, lays bare the intractable choices that family court judges face every day, but the tragic outcome has everyone who worked on Alycia's case looking back wondering what more could have been done.

The family's legal history is a tangle of allegations traded through restraining orders and court filings. A court investigator described Roberta Allen, now 39, as an unfit mother who had battled with depression. But Alycia's father is now being held on $500,000 bail in a Los Angeles County jail on unrelated charges of child endangerment and running a methamphetamine lab.

Ceres police say they no longer believe Mesiti's story that the girl ran away during a camping trip with friends and her pet Chihuahua. "Dad's story was he was getting phone calls periodically" from the missing girl, said Sgt. James Robbins. "But it doesn't appear she ever left the house."

Alycia and her brother, now 19 and in the military, were placed in Mesiti's care by the family court in November 2005. During the previous seven years, court records show, Mesiti had been convicted of state and federal charges, including bank fraud and drunken driving. He also was charged with domestic violence and ordered to attend anger-management classes after pleading guilty to a lesser charge. After failing to comply with court orders to attend drug- and alcohol-treatment programs, he landed in prison for violating probation.

Danger signs

Nonetheless, Roberta Allen described her years-long legal battle as "very angled toward Mark. I couldn't afford an attorney. He had one."

And over the nine months the children lived with their father before Alycia disappeared, police and child welfare workers fielded repeated warnings of danger in their single-family home in a neat, unremarkable Ceres suburb. Beginning in 2005, the children's court-appointed lawyer, Jonnie Herring, reported her concerns, recommending only a supervised, temporary placement with Mesiti due to "sufficient issues and risks to these minors." In 2006, she reported that Mesiti had failed to comply with court orders to enroll his children in school and remain in touch.

"I am deeply concerned about both minors, especially Alycia," Herring wrote in a report to Santa Clara County Superior Court Judge Vincent Chiarello.

Allen said she also reported that the children were often hungry, subject to abuse, and unable to call their mother despite her court-ordered visitation and contact rights. Local police confirm they made visits to the home.

Clearly, the family court had a complex case on its hands with few ideal options when Judge Chiarello granted Mesiti custody. The legal battle had raged for eight years without resolution. The children had been bounced between aunts and grandparents and, in a reflection of the case's complexity, the judge appointed Herring to grant them an independent voice in court. Their parents had gone through mediation, counseling and psychological evaluations.

"There were a lot of issues with both parents," said Scott Sagaria, a San Jose attorney who represented Mesiti in claims his client made against Allen — including that she'd attempted suicide and once hit her son. Noting attorney-client privilege limited his ability to discuss the case, Sagaria added: "There was a lot of conduct by the mother in the case where, in my opinion, the court had very little alternative."

Calls to Mesiti's public defender in his Los Angeles case have gone unanswered.

'No good options'

Chiarello, too, has declined to comment. But Supervising Family Court Judge Susan Bernardini, who spoke only in generalities and not specifically on the Mesiti case, described the difficulty of serving on her bench. "Cases with no good options are a centerpiece of being a judge in family court," she said. "We have to make a decision no one else will make."

In the case of a tragic outcome, she added, "You wonder and you look back and you always say: Is there anything anyone could have done?"

Allen, a former assembly worker now working for a restaurant, was deemed unfit by the court. She had made a frank admission to feeling depressed after what she described as years of persecution by her children's father. Before Chiarello's decision, records show, Allen told the court she had fled multiple states to get away from Mesiti and even to Canada, where she and the children stayed in battered women's shelters.

But while Mesiti's court filings were formal, typed responses from his private attorney, Allen's pleading letters to judges were handwritten. She reluctantly agreed to sign off on the custody order — in large part, she says, because she could not afford to raise the children without the child-support payments Mesiti had been ordered to make.

"There were plenty of red flags going up all over the place," she said, "but they wouldn't see them."

When Alycia disappeared in 2006, Allen said she never believed the girl had simply run off. "I knew in my heart of hearts that she was gone, but no one would listen to me. I was fighting with police, saying 'She's not a runaway, she's a missing person!' " Allen recalled. "But the police stopped taking my calls. They said, 'She'll come home, she'll come home.' "

And so for 2 1/2 years, Allen went mad with worry. Alycia's disappearance was not elevated to a homicide investigation until the longtime detective on the case retired and Sgt. Robbins, the Ceres investigations supervisor, ordered up a fresh round of interviews.

Robbins declined to give specifics because the case is still pending, but he said those interviews turned up "detailed information we didn't have the first time." Police obtained a search warrant for Mesiti's former home on Alexis Court, which he is said to have abandoned a few months after Alycia vanished.

The case broke open with the discovery of Alycia's remains. Within days, police burst into Mesiti's Los Angeles apartment and say they found evidence of a meth lab. Now, he and the girlfriend he had lived with in Ceres face a series of court hearings on drug and child-endangerment charges; the girlfriend's 12-year-old daughter had been living with the couple when they were arrested March 28.

Girl's memorial

Mesiti was in jail when his daughter's memorial was held last month in a Cupertino chapel. During the service, a lifetime of classic childhood moments beamed from photos spanning her short decade-and-a-half: Alycia mugging in an oversized T-shirt, stirring a pot of macaroni and cheese and hugging a Snoopy doll. In the last photos, she posed for her eighth-grade prom, a fleeting brush with adolescence.

For her part, Allen tosses endlessly most nights. She tries to stay focused on her last day with Alycia, when she and her daughter ate tuna sandwiches and splashed in a downtown San Jose fountain.

Their next encounter would be three years later at the Stanislaus County coroner's office.

"I couldn't even pick up her personal effects," Allen lamented. "There was nothing. There's just nothing left of her."

Contact Karen de Sá at or 408-920-5781.


Nov. 22, 2005: Santa Clara County Superior Court places Alycia Mesiti-Allen with father, Mark Edward Mesiti.
Aug. 15, 2006: Alycia, 14, goes missing; her father reports she ran away after leaving for a camping trip with friends and a pet Chihuahua.
January 2009: Ceres police Sgt. James Robbins takes over the department"s investigative unit and has detectives review their cases. As a result, Alycia"s family members are contacted again and new undisclosed information leads to a search warrant.
March 26, 2009: After police obtain a search warrant, a body is unearthed outside the Ceres home where Alycia had been living with her father at the time she disappeared.
March 28: Mark Mesiti, 41, is arrested in Los Angeles along with his 39-year-old girlfriend on suspicion of running a methamphetamine lab and endangering the girlfriend"s 12-year-old daughter. Mesiti is being held on $500,000 bail.
March 31: Authorities confirm that a body found in Ceres was that of Alycia Mesiti-Allen. Ceres police describe Mesiti as a suspect in his daughter"s death, although he has not been arrested on those charges.

Source: Mercury News reporting and Ceres police

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Heather Thompson a DV victim in North Carolina has pounded the desks & doors of Domestic Violence organizations who do nothing but provide false hope

Go to full article

Press Release from Bryan Gregory, A retired North Carolina Trooper

"Heather Thompson may be celebrating her last Mother's Day- if she doesn't receive the help and support that she needs from law enforcement, South and North Carolina Department of Corrections, Public Officials & Domestic Violence Organizations who are paid to serve and protect her"
Of all except her, I probably know her story better than anyone else. I’m a part of it. I’ve written it. But this woman has had to live it.
Although May 29 is not that far away and she has mountains to climb before then, she’s taking time this weekend just as we are, to be with her family & Mother. This may be her last one, so as we celebrate this day, let us remember Heather.
In just a matter of days, her ex-husband and self-described killer will be out of prison. He may be under supervision for awhile, but without GPS monitoring, he’ll be able to go and do as he pleases. There’s no reason we’ve found to believe otherwise … If he carries out the continuous threats that he’s made to her, he’ll kill her.
She’s pounded on all the desks and doors. She’s been run around in circles by all domestic violence organizations and more. When confronted, they’ll tell you they’re doing all that they can and her needs are being met. But the reality is … They’re filling their pockets with our money and doing nothing.
We’ve waited until this late hour assuming they’d act … They have not. All her bills are overdue and basic services are threatened to be cut off. If needed, she has places to flee but no back-up money to even get her and her family there. And what if their cell phones are cut off? It infuriates me that I must beg you now to take up their slack.
Her pretty smile is fading. Heather feels like she’s drowning now with not a life jacket in sight. Although she’s not asked me to do this, I must.

Here’s her mailing address…
Heather Thompson
PO Box 697
Indian Trail, NC 28079

I don’t care if you can only scrape up five dollars. Send it to her and she’ll joyfully take it. Because she’s had so much practice, she’s an expert now … She can turn little’s into a whole lot. Your prayers are always welcomed … But if we’re gonna expect God’s help, I’m sure he’d be much more willing once we’ve stepped up to the plate.
If you’ve not yet read her story, check it out at

And if you can think of anyone else who might care … Feel free to copy & paste and spread this message everywhere.
Bryan Gregory
"Justice will only be achieved when those who are not injured by crime are as angry as those who are."
- King Solomon (635-577 BC)

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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

False Allegations are a Small Factor in The Family Courts


False Allegations are a small factor in the Family Courts

Even one of the strongest family violence critics admitted that in a majority of child abuse cases had substance in it.




PRLog (Press Release)May 12, 2009 – DR Richard A Gardner, the man who coined the term Parent Alienation Syndrome stated, “The vast majority ("probably over 95%") of all sex abuse allegations are valid”.  Gardner, R.A. (1991). Sex Abuse Hysteria: Salem Witch Trials Revisited . Cresskill, NJ: Creative Therapeutics (pp. 7, 140). 
Like the recent report about St John’s Ambulances “Hush Money for sex abuse victims” fathers rights will have us all believe that most mothers and children are liars when it comes to allegations in the Family Court.  

This was not true for Cassandra Hasanovic who died at the hands of her ex partner.  The Family Court ignored her pleas and ordered her to return resulting in her death.  The Founder of the Anonymums Collective Stated, ”The falsely accused are among the privileged in the family courts, they can obtain costs and are not required to provide much evidence as the court rules upon the level of substantiation”.  

In the National Plan to reduce Violence against Women and Their Children it was stated, “The Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Act 2006, however, represents a potential obstruction to a just and integrated response to family violence in Australia”. 
Members of Anonymums not only agree to this statement, they understand the grave consequences that surround this lucrative bill.

Even the Prime Minister said, “As a nation, the time has well and truly come to have a national conversation – a public national conversation, not a private one – about how it could still be the case that in 2008 so many Australian women could have experienced violence from their partner… 
It is my gender – it is our gender – Australian men – that are responsible.

And so the question is: what are we going to do about it? 
…There are no circumstances in which the threat of violence against women is acceptable. There are no circumstances in which the thought of violence against women is acceptable. 
That on violence against women, we have simple, clear policy in two words: zero tolerance.” 
“It’s a move in the right direction and will save the government compensation money in the long run” a spokesperson for Anonymums stated.

The Founder of Anonymums added, “When Diana Bryant said “Family Violence is the Core Business of the Family Court”, many victims have begun to wonder why such force was imposed upon them in a system that is meant to protect them from such things.  Take “Family Violence” and “Core Business” out of this phrase and it becomes clear what she meant when she said this.  Family Violence Victims held captive by the court and perpetrator means that the protective parent will guarantee a great deal of money.  The message becomes clear, “To protect your children, save your life – We will need the children’s home, life savings and anything else you have”.   Either way, the victim is cornered by a bunch of legal clauses and unless they can produce more than what is required for a homicide, the child or the intimate partner violence victim is at the abusers mercy”.  

The Australian Human Rights Commission made the Following Statement about False Allegations, 
“HREOC is well aware of the concerns of some individuals and community organizations that false allegations of family violence are regularly made.  For example, i n its submission to a review of legislation regarding protection orders, the Lone Fathers’ Association states that protection orders “are employed as a routine separation procedure” by women to force their husbands out of their homes, without any violence having occurred, “and/or as a vindictive retaliatory act”.

HREOC would caution against accepting this contention uncritically. There is no doubt that Family Court proceedings often are accompanied by allegations of domestic violence and the use of protection orders. However, this may reflect the fact that domestic violence often escalates when couples separate. Australian data demonstrate that women are as likely to experience violence by previous partners as by current partners and that it is the time around and after separation which is most dangerous for women.” 
This was in 2005.   It’s been four years since this was noted and many lives at stake, some are embedded upon gravestones, a remembrance of a time when children were once again seen and not heard.

# # #

Anonymums are: 
A collective dedicated to creating awareness and action towards improving the family court system. 
We seek integrity in uphold of the law without discrimination, humiliation, degradation or oppression. 
We seek to expose those who would continue to lobby for systematic abuse. 
We will not tolerate oppression, nor will we tolerate trivialized child abuse or corruption. 
We will not tolerate violence towards anyone

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Monday, May 11, 2009

SWINE FLU- a more sinister Pandemic lurks


by mamaliberty

The last few weeks people in North America and beyond have been in an uproar over a killer known as “Swine Flu” or the more politically correct H1N1that has claimed ONE life in United States but there lurks a more prolific killer to women and children.

While this “potential” pandemic is serious to cause an uproar there is a more sinister killer among us and it’s not a virus so much as it IS a pig.

I submit the following incomplete list of recent murder victims which include many women, children, innocent bystanders and police officers, all killed by violent men.

March 10 – Michael McLendon, 28, killed ten people, including his mother, grandmother, aunt and uncle, and the wife and child of a local sheriff’s deputy in rural Alabama.  He then killed himself.  The worst mass killing in the history of Alabama killed: Virginia White, 74; James White, 55; Tracy Wise, 34; Dean Wise, 15; James Starling, 34; Lisa McClendon, Michael’s mom; Bruce Maloy, 51; Andrea Myers, 31; and Corrine Gracy Myers, 18 months.


March 21 – Lovelle Mixon, a parolee with a history of violence against women, sexual assault, and other violent crimes shot and killed four heroic Oakland police officers – Sgt. Mark Dunakin, 40; Officer John Hege, 41, SWAT Sgt. Ervin Romans, 43; and SWAT Sgt. Daniel Sakai, 35 before he was shot and killed by police.


March 29 – Robert Stewart, 45, shot and killed eight people at Pinelake Health and Rehab Center in Robbins, North Carolina.  He came to the center seeking to kill his wife, Wanda Neal, 43, a nurse’s assistant.  She was working in the Alzheimers Unit when he entered the facility and survived after herding residents into the TV Room and locking the door.  The dead included: Tessie Garner, 88; Lillian Dunn, 89, Jessie Musser, 88; Bessie Hendrick, 78; John Goldston, 78; Margaret Johnson, 89; Louise Decker, 98; and Jerry Avent, 39.  Jerry was a newly hired nurse at the facility.  He was shot 27 times but continued protecting patients until the final shot.  Police estimated his efforts saved at least ten others patients and staff members.


March 30 – Devan Kalathat killed six people in a murder-suicide in Santa Clara, California including his children.  During his rampage he shot his wife, but she still clings to life in critical condition.  Police identified the victims as Kalathat’s children: 11-year-old Akhil Dev and 4-year-old Negha Dev; Kalathat’s brother-in-law Ashok Appu Poothemkandi, 35, Poothemkandi’ s wife, Suchitra Sivaraman, 25; and the Poothemkandis’ infant daughter, Ahana Ashok.


April 4 – Pittsburgh police officers Eric Kelly, Stephen Mayhle, and Paul Scuillo were shot and killed responding to a “domestic disturbance” call.  They were ambushed by Richard Poplawski when they arrived at the house.  Officer Eric Kelly was not on duty.  He was on his way home to his wife and three daughters when he heard the call on his radio and responded to support his fellow officers.April 5 – James Harrison killed his five children in Pierce County, WA while his wife was at work.  Police confirmed that the couple had a domestic violence incident earlier in the day and the wife had left.  The husband demanded that she return and while she was away he methodically shot Maxine, Samantha, Heather, Jamie, and James.  The first four children were shot in their beds.  The last child was shot as she was running toward the bathroom.

April 5 – Kirby Revelus, 23, killed his 17 year old sister, Samantha and his five year old sister, Bianca.  Police officers responding to a domestic violence incident shot and killed him as he was trying to kill his 9 year old sister Sarafina.

April 7 – Kevin Garner fled Greenville, Alabama late in the afternoon after setting fire to his wife’s home and car.  Hours later, police found his wife and daughter, and her sister and her sister’s son shot to death inside the burning home.  Garner later shot himself before being apprehended.

April 10 – Two students at Henry Ford Community College were found dead in a murder-suicide in the Fine Arts Building on campus in Dearborn, Michigan.  Police determined that Anthony Powell, 28, killed Asia McGowan, 20 with a shotgun and then turned the gun on himself.

April 17- 39-year-old Kelly Schmidt, the wife of Scott Schmidt a lieutenant with the Appleton Wisconsin Fire Department, was arrested following the shooting of his wife, Kelly. She was shot one or two times in the head and died from her injures around 3:30 p.m. Also shot was Kelly’s mother, Barbara Wing, she survives.

April 18 – Christopher Allan Wood, 34, an accountant for a railroad operator, killed his wife, Frances, and his three children in Middletown, Maryland before taking his own life with gunshot to the head.  Chandler was 5 years old, Gavin was 4, and his daughter, Fiona, was 2 years old when she was shot and stabbed by her Dad.


April 19 – William Parente, 59, killed his wife, Betty, 58, and daughters Catherine, 11, and Stephanie, 19 before killing himself in Garden City, New York. Each of the victims was killed by asphyxiation and blunt force trauma.


April 25 – University of Georgia professor George Zinkhans shot and killed his wife, Marie Bruce, and two of her friends from a local community theatre group in Bogart, Georgia.  Two others were seriously injured by bullet fragments.  Her two murdered colleagues were: Ben Teague, 63, and Tom Tanner, 40.  More than 200 police officers are currently searching for him the dense woods near Bogart, 60 miles east of Atlanta. Police believe Marie was preparing to get a restraining order, file for divorce, and leave him after a history of domestic violence.


April 30- 36-year-old Shane Kettner was arrested Thursday after he and an infant were found semi-conscious in a Nelsonville Wisconsin home, 2-year-old Griffin and 3-year-old Ashley Kettner found dead on the second floor. The Sheriff’s Department says authorities checked on the family at their home Wednesday night and didn’t notice anything unusual, before leaving, deputies looked inside the windows and saw an infant in a child swing and a cat walking around.


May 4-A domestic disturbance took an even more horrifying turn Sunday night after the Ennis TX Police Department reported a murder/suicide had taken place. They responded to the residence for the second time in a 12-hour time span, shots fired were heard inside the home and after forcing their way into the residence, police found the bodies of Sharon Lusk, 28, and Willie James Lusk, also 28.


May 4- A 13-year-old Lakeland Florida boy is the sole survivor of what authorities describe as an apparent murder-suicide. Investigators say Nathan Bellar ran through a garage to escape his family’s slaughter at the hands of his father, who then took his own life on their front lawn.


May 4- Lenoir NC police said they discovered a murder-suicide when they were called to an apartment early Sunday.Officers arrived shortly after 9 a.m. at the Meadowood Garden apartments after a neighbor found a handwritten note on the door of apartment No. 21 that said, “Call 911. Do not go inside.”Inside the apartment, officers found Robin Lovada Jarvis, 50, and Larry Eugene Jarvis, 53, dead of apparent gunshot wounds.


More to come………………………..

                         and more …………

……and more ……..……….

                                                   ……and more


Posted in activism | Tagged abused children, bad fathers, battered women, batterers, domestic abuse, domestic violence, killer fathers, maternal deprivation, misogynists, protective parent, swine flu | No Comments

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    Sunday, May 10, 2009

    Friday, May 8, 2009

    Judge John Bivona Corrupt Judge keeps Getting Away With It!!!!!!

    How Do These Corrupt Judges Get Away With It? New York Judge John Bivona Keeps Rolling Along…

    Filed under: Activism, Angry gagged term, Bad gagged term, Call to action, Child Custody Battle, Child Custody Issues, Child custody for fathers, Children's rights, Corrupt Judges, Corrupt Lawyers, Corrupt bastards, Custody for dads, Custody laws, Desperate men, Family Courts, GAGGED!, Getting Screwed by the Whores of the Court, Getting screwed by the Family Courts, Judge John Bivona, Judicial Immunity, Legal abuse, Maternal Deprivation, Mother Child Relationship, New York, Rachel Foundation, Suffolk County, Whores of the court, father custody, fathers fighting for custody

    NEW UPDATE:  Thanks to our commenter…

    Submitted on 2009/04/28 at 9:15pm


    I am interviewed on this video picketing. The girls were given to the father “temporarily” on 2/20. Hearing yesterday continues to give father t/c and the mother NO VISITATION/CONTACT. You cannot make this stuff up. Mother is an angel. Husband stated “will not leave her alone until she is living on the streets”. As soon as it is obvious that the kids are being used as pawns – case should be declared a mistrial. This is disgusting and we cannot stand for it. BRING THE GIRLS HOME!

    Already punished by the State of New York for not being impartial in a case, Hon. John C. Bivona (Suffolk County, New York) keeps rolling along like justice means nothing.  See his punishment from 2003 here. Now he takes two girls from their mother in a “closed” court session and gag orders issued in a March, 2009 hearing!

    The father only wanted the two girls, not the boys in the family (that really sounds scary)!   Oh, and by the way, the father is a wealthy attorney.   Two detectives came and picked up the two girls, aged 9 and 10, without the girls’ knowledge after the hearing.   Please keep them in your thoughts that they can keep themselves safe.

    In the information from Bivona’s punishment, this is noted:

    In the Matter of the Proceeding Pursuant to Section 44, subdivision 4, of the Judiciary Law in Relation to JOHN C. BIVONA, a Justice of the Supreme Court, 10th Judicial District, Suffolk County.


    Henry T. Berger, Esq., Chair
    Honorable Frances A. Ciardullo
    Stephen R. Coffey, Esq.
    Raoul Lionel Felder, Esq.
    Lawrence S. Goldman, Esq.
    Christina Hernandez, M.S.W.
    Honorable Daniel F. Luciano
    Honorable Karen K. Peters
    Alan J. Pope, Esq.
    Honorable Terry Jane Ruderman

    It is time to get more than just lawyers and judges on these commissions.  There needs to be REAL PEOPLE, who know the difference between right and wrong.  While it was good that they punished Bivona, why did they turn Bivona loose to continue the reign of terror in his courtroom?  Why?  It is the fox guarding the henhouse…

    From commenter: Sign the “tear down the wall” petition and join with popular4people to end the injustice here.

    Comments (5)

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    Tuesday, May 5, 2009


    If you are involved in a custody battle with your abuser, this article is a must-read.  I have included below only the topics and first paragraph of each, click on the topic to read the entire article.



    by R. Lundy Bancroft c 1998


    A sophisticated understanding of the mind of the abuser, his style as a parent, and of the tactics that he most commonly employs during separation and divorce, are essential to anyone making custody recommendations or working to design visitation plans that are safe for the children and their mother.

    Contrary to popular belief, children of batterers can be at just as much risk psychologically, sexually, and even physically after the couple splits up as they were when the family was still together. In fact, many children experience the most damaging victimization from the abuser at this point.

    A genuine batterer can be difficult to distinguish from one who is unfairly accused, and batterers who will be a grave risk to their children during unsupervised visitation can be hard to separate from those who can visit safely. The insights and expertise of those service providers who have extensive experience working directly with abusers needs to be drawn from, and the level of contribution from victims themselves to policy design also needs to be greatly increased.

    Custody and visitation battles amidst allegations of domestic violence require policies and interveners (judges, mediators, and Guardians Ad Litem) based in the most detailed knowledge, experience, sensitivity, and integrity. The stakes for children are very high.

    This article is drawn largely from the author’s ten years of experience working as a counselor and supervisor in programs for abusive men, involving contact with some 1500 abusers, and hundreds of their victims, over that period. During the first few years of this period I worked almost exclusively with voluntary clients, and during the latter period worked primarily with court-mandated ones.

    The characteristics of the clients changed remarkably little during that shift. In the late 1980’s, professionals in batterer programs began paying particular attention to the behavior of clients with respect to probate processes, and we began asking victims more questions about the man’s conduct with respect to visitation and custody. Since leaving direct work with batterers, I have served with increasing frequency as a custody evaluator (both as Guardian ad Litem and as Care and Protection Investigator), and have worked closely with child protective services. I also have drawn from numerous published studies, several of which are listed in the back of this article. [I have chosen for reasons of ease to refer to the abuser as "he" and the victim as "she," but I am aware that there is a small percentage of cases of domestic violence to which this language does not apply.]

    PROFILE OF THE BATTERER (view article)

    Generalizations about batterers have to be made with caution. Batterers come from all socioeconomic backgrounds and levels of education. They have the full range of personality types, from mild and mousy to loud and aggressive. They are difficult to profile psychologically; they frequently fare well in psychological testing, often better than their victims do. People outside of a batterer’s immediate family do not generally perceive him as an abusive person, or even as an especially angry one.

    They are as likely to be very popular as they are to be “losers,” and they may be visible in their communities for their  professional success and for their civic involvement. Most friends, family, and associates in a batterer’s life find it jarring when they hear what he has done, and may deny that he is capable of those acts.The partner and children of a batterer will, however, experience generalizable characteristics, though he may conceal these aspects of his attitude and behavior when other people are present:


    Batterers naturally strive to turn mediation and GAL processes to their advantage, through the use of various tactics. Perhaps the most common is to adopt the role of a hurt, sensitive man who doesn’t understand how things got so bad and just wants to work it all out “for the good of the children.” He may cry in front of the mediator or GAL and use language that demonstrates considerable insight into his own feelings. He is likely to be skilled at explaining how other people have turned the victim against him, and how she is denying him access to the children as a form of revenge, “even though she knows full well that I would never do anything to hurt them.” He commonly accuses her of having mental health problems, and may state that her family and friends agree with him. The two most common negative characterizations he will use are that she is hysterical and that she is promiscuous. The abuser tends to be comfortable lying, having years of practice, and so can sound believable when making baseless statements. The abuser benefits to the detriment of his children if the court representative fails to look closely at the evidence - or ignores it - because of his charm. He also benefits when professionals believe that they can “just tell” who is lying and who is telling the truth, and so fail to adequately investigate. Because of the effects of trauma, the victim of battering will often seem hostile, disjointed, and agitated, while the abuser appears friendly, articulate, and calm. Evaluators are thus tempted to conclude that the victim is the source of the problems in the relationship.


    Allegations of child abuse that arise during custody and visitation conflicts are treated with similar skepticism by court personnel and service providers. A large-scale national study found that the rate of false child sexual abuse allegations does not increase at this time, contrary to popular belief (Thoennes and Tjaden). As with domestic violence allegations, there is no substitute for careful and unbiased examination of the evidence. Batterers who do abuse their children can be convincing at portraying themselves as victims of a deliberate strategy on the part of the victim in order to derail proper investigating.

    There are two salient reasons why child abuse reports may first arise at separation or divorce. First, children may disclose abuse at this time that is longstanding. The awareness of the custody battle can make the children afraid of being placed in the abuser’s custody, or of being forced to spend increased time with him without the protective presence of the other parent. This fear can lead children to make the frightening leap involved in discussing the abuse. After separation, children may begin spending extended unsupervised time with the abuser for the first time ever, so that the abuse escalates or they fear that it will. Increased visitation may cause panic in a victim of child abuse; a case of mine illustrated this point, with a child disclosing a detailed history of sexual abuse immediately after her visitation with her father was increased from one night every other weekend to two. Finally, children are known to be more likely to disclose abuse in the midst of any disruption or major change in their lives. (See MacFarlane et. al. on the above points.)


    Batterers are several times as likely as non-batterers to abuse children, and this risk appears to increase rather than decrease when the couple separates. Multiple studies have shown that 50% to 70% of men who use violence against their intimate partners are physically abusive to their children as well. A batterer is seven times more likely than a non-batterer to frequently beat his children (Straus). A batterer is at least four times more likely than a non-batterer to be an incest perpetrator. (Herman 1991, McCLoskey et. al.) Psychological abuse to the children is almost always present where there is domestic violence; in fact, the abuse towards their primary caretaker is itself a form of emotional abuse of the children, as numerous studies now document. It is true that battered women are also more likely to abuse children than non-battered women are, but unlike with batterers, those levels decline rapidly once the relationship separates(Edleson and Schecter).


    Efforts are underway nationally to ease the complexity of assessing risk to children from visitation with batterers by placing batterers into distinct types, based largely on the work of Janet Johnston. For example, a risk assessment distributed nationally by the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (AFCC) draws heavily from Johnston’s work. The types Johnston posits are as follows:

    Type A: “Ongoing or Episodic Male Battering”

    Type B: “Female-Initiated Violence”

    Type C: “Male Controlled Interactive Violence”

    Type D: “Separation and Postdivorce Violence”

    Type E: “Psychotic and Paranoid Reactions”


    Assessing the safety of children with batterers during unsupervised visitation requires careful examination of all available evidence, with as few preconceptions as possible about the credibility of either party. Even a highly skilled service provider cannot “just tell” that an alleged abuser is telling the truth or is not dangerous, even after several hours of interviews and even with the assistance of psychological testing. These can be important sources of information, but careful assessment of the alleged victim’s version of events, comparison with outside sources (to assess credibility), examination of court records, and confrontation of the alleged abuser to assess his reactions are all essential to an evaluation.

    Posted in abuse, children, domestic violence, family, fear, home, laws, legal, resources | Tagged child abuse, child custody, children, court, disputes, divorce, domestic violence, education, family, law, legal | No Comments

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